The majority of people have problems with the elimination of
abdominal fat, and it is considered to be the worst fat as it can cause many
health problems, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, sleeping problems and many others.
However, his remarkable drink can be of great benefit for
those people who don`t have time for regular physical activity, as it will
speed up the fat-burning process in the abdominal area and help them lose
weight quickly.

It stimulates the detoxification and elimination of toxins
and excess waste from the body, allowing proper absorption of nutrients from
the food.
Moreover, it will protect your body from the harmful effects
of free radicals and other toxic compounds which can have extremely serious
consequences on your health.
-1 teaspoon grated ginger
-1 cucumber
-½ lemon
-A bunch of parsley
-1/3 glass of water
Method of preparation:
Mix well all the ingredients in a juicer.
Drink a glass of this drink every night before going to
Source : Womansvibe