Health experts agree that coconut oil is one of the very few super-foods. It is so popular that many still wonder what made this tropical plant so attractive to the world.

1. Coconut oil contains a unique combination of fatty acids with potent healing properties
It is packed with medium-chain fatty triglycerides, fatty acids of a medium length. The body metabolizes coconut oil differently. Its fatty acids are transfered from the liver to the digestive system, and they are later used as an instant source of energy.
2. The world’s healthiest people live in places where coconut oil is largely consumed
Unfortunately, coconut oil is still a kind of an exotic food in the Western society, and it is mostly consumed by people who take care about their health. On the other hand, in some places in the world coconut oil is commonly used.
In the South Pacific, people get 60% of their calories from coconuts, and these people are the world’s largest consumers of saturated fat. They are super-healthy, with no signs that indicate heart diseases.
3. Coconut oil regulates weight
A 2009 study tested the connection between weight loss and coconut oil. Researchers have found that coconut oil is able to reduce abdominal fat. It is easy to digest, and protects against insulin resistance.
4. Coconut oil is a good source of Lauric acid
Coconut oil is packed with great amount of lauric acid. It destroys bacteria, viruses, fungi, and fights infections. Coconut oil forms monolaurin, a monoglyceride. Lauric acid and monolaurin together kill pathogens.
5. Coconut oil reduces seizures
Ketogenic diet regimes are low-carb diets, and they are high in fat. This increases the concentration in ketone bodies in blood. These diet regimens reduce the occurence of seizures in children with epilepsy.
6. Coconut oil eases digestion
People who struggle with indigestion should add coconut oil to their daily menu. It helps in the treatment of digestive disorders like IBS and microbial stomach bugs. Fatty acids contained in coconut oil have antimicrobials. These antimicrobials destroy bacteria, candida, and parasites that affect digestion.
7. Coconut oil is good for patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Recently, the Garvin Institute of Medical Research conducted a study and showed that coconut oil protects against insuline resistance, and thus reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
8. Deals good with high temperatures
Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, meaning it has a higher smoking temperature than other oils. Use it instead of the regular olive oil, especially when your recipe requires cooking at a higher temperature. Olive oil oxidizes at the very moment it reaches the smoke point, and causes free radicals.
9. Coconut oil slows the occurence of fine lines and aging signs
Coconut oil can be used as a skin care product. It protects the connective tissue, keeps it strong, prevents wrinkles and saggy skin. Apply some coconut oil to soften skin and slow the occurence of fine lines. Use it every day for a nice and moisturized glow!
This post was republished from Natural Medicine Team. You can find the original post here.