In America, the leading cause of death is heart attacks. 25% of deaths
in the country are due to heart attacks, outranking cancer as the number one
killer. The three major causes of heart attacks are high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and smoking.
In America, the leading cause of death is heart attacks. 25% of deaths
in the country are due to heart attacks, outranking cancer as the number one
killer. The three major causes of heart attacks are high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and smoking.According to the Center For Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), there are 5 conditions that will add to your risk of heart
attack. Those are diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, physical
inactivity, and excessive alcohol use.
Approximately half of all heart attacks happen outside of a hospital,
and early detection is key in survival. According to a study done by the CDC in
2005, 92% of respondents recognized chest discomfort as a symptom of a heart
attack. Only 27% were aware of all major symptoms and knew to call 9-1-1 when
someone was having a heart attack.
Symptoms Of A Heart Attack
Here are the symptoms you need to be aware of when it comes to
recognizing heart attacks. These could let you know if you are at risk, even a
month before it happens.
Chest Discomfort
This is the most common of symptoms and it comes in various different
forms. Some people feel a pressure in their chest, while others feel burning or
pinching. These feelings can occur during physical activity or while you’re at
rest. The best thing to do is to contact a doctor right away if you feel any
strange sensations in your chest.
It is important to note that you could be having a heart attack without
feeling discomfort in your chest, as is common in women.
Feeling Tired
A sudden feeling of fatigue for no reason could be a sign that a heart
attack is incoming. The heart has to work harder as arteries begin to close,
and can make simple tasks feel exhausting. This can result sleeping longer
hours at night or feeling like you need to take multiple naps during the day.
Long Lasting Cold Symptoms
Having cold symptoms that won’t seem to go away could be a sign of
heart failure. As the heart struggles with supplying the body with blood, blood
can leak back into the lungs. Pay attention to white or pink mucus with your
cough which could be a byproduct of blood leakage.
As the heart struggles to pump the body with blood, veins can begin to
swell causing a bloating effect. The main points of swelling are the feet,
ankles, and legs because they are the farthest from the heart. It is also
possible to observe peripheral cyanosis, which is a blue tinge seen in the lips
or extremities.
As blood circulation is restricted with a weakened heart, the brain may
not be receiving the amount of oxygen it needs. You may feel constantly dizzy
or light headed, and this is a major point of concern and you should seek
medical attention immediately.
Shortness Of Breath
Another major sign of an impending heart attack is shortness of breath.
The heart and lungs work in unison, so as the heart begins to work poorly, the
lungs don’t get the amount of oxygen that they need. This causes difficulty
breathing and needs to be treated immediately.
These symptoms may occur up to a month in advance so it is important to
be aware of them at all times. If you feel any or a combination of these
symptoms please seek medical attention quickly. Take charge of your health and
protect yourself as best as you can.
Via : Healthy Tips World