Julia Wetmore has become known across the U.S. as the “girl
without a face.” She was born with a genetic disorder named Treacher Collins
Syndrome that causes deformations in the face. But, Juliana has the worst case
that has been documented up until now.
Four months before Juliana is born, the doctors discover
irregularities and cannot say with certainty what is wrong. But nothing could
have prepared the doctors or the parents for the sight that Julia presents
after her birth.

The newborn's little face hardly resembles a normal one.
Yet, the little girl’s body is completely healthy; only the face is missing
bones, producing deformations and making it difficult for her to breath. The
doctors believe that she won’t survive the night. But Juliana is a fighter from
the beginning on.

Tami and Thom Wetmore are not able to hold their little
daughter until 5 days after her birth. The parents are completely indifferent
to their daughter’s appearance. They enjoy this intimate moment to the fullest,
immediately developing deep feelings for the little girl, despite the
deformations. The doctors soon determine that Juliana is missing important
bones necessary for hearing and is thus almost deaf. But nevertheless, she can
see well in her right eye and most importantly: her brain functions completely

6 years later, after countless operations, Juliana hasn’t
lost any of her fighter’s spirit. She has mastered sign language and attends a
school for deaf children. The intelligent child excels at school. But no matter
how lovingly her family cares for her, neither her parents nor her sisters are
able to fully understand or comprehend how she really feels. But that is about
to change…

Far from the Wetmore family lives a girl named Danica, a
little girl who is the same age as Juliana and suffers from the same disorder.
The children could have really been the best friends in the world. Danica
suffers from a milder case of the syndrome, but her life isn’t any easier, as
she has s different hurdle to overcome: Danica has no family to support her, to
love her, or to protect her. She was given up for adoption after her birth and
has living in an orphanage in Ukraine since ever since. The girl never receives
visitors. Her life is predetermined: as soon as she’s old enough, the orphanage
will no longer be able to care for her, damning her to a life on the streets.

before things can get that far, the Wetmores enter Danica’s life! The family
reads about the little girl online, who so desperately needs a adoptive
parents. They travel to the Ukraine to visit her. After this first and only
visit, the two parents look at each other and known immediately how the other
feels. “Let’s do it. Let’s get our daughter and fly home.” The Wetmores adopt

The now 12-year-old Juliana, who has the already astounding
number of 45 operations behind her, was thus able to grow up with a sister that
truly understands her. The family adopted a further 3 children, who, together
with Juliana’s older sister, form a gang of 6 beautiful little rascals. In this
community, Juliana and Danica are able to grow up sheltered and protected.
Juliana amazes everyone with her exceptional intelligence and Danica is a truly
remarkable and talented artist.

This family received many hard and difficult burdens to
carry from life, but has borne them with astounding bravura. With humanity,
courage, and strength.
When you also admire this family for all that they have done
for these children, then share this story with everyone that you know.
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