Did you know you can locate spine’s point on your foot’s
edge? This is the area where all back problems are projected, and are located
in a form of pain-points. By massaging your feet you will be able to get rid of
back pain, tension and stiffness.
It does not matter if you are massaging your own feet or
someone else is doing it for you, the results are equally efficient.
You will notice results after the very first massage. The
massage, however, is very pleasant as well as beneficial for your health.
Dedicate several minutes on this massage in order to feel much healthier.

Here is
how to conduct the feet massage in order to get rid of back pain:
For starters, you need to locate the spine-points onto the
edge of your foot. Sit down with your legs crossed and take one foot in your
hands. The inner foot like, from the heel to the big toe, is the area you are
searching for. This is your spine’s projection.
Visually separate the line, as if that is your spine and its
parts. Apply pressure onto the spine-line, using your thumb. If you have back
problems, you will be able to locate the exact points where you need to apply
the pressure.
You will feel those points as painful and sort of swollen.
By gently massaging these points, you actually affect the spine. This way, you
will be able to get rid of back pains and tension as well.