Monday, May 16, 2016

10:26 AM
These days, a new form of STD is being spread worldwide. Unfortunately, most people are completely unaware of the fact that they are carriers of the disease, which is extremely dangerous.  The worst part is the fact that STD may cause serious issues, including sterility of the genitalia.

Some of the most common symptoms include stinking discharge during sex, especially in the glans penis, pain in the genital region, vaginal bleeding, and testicle malady.  Girls infected by Mycoplasma feel pain and distress during sexual intercourse, bleeding from the vagina, tubal pregnancy, or even infertility. On the other hand, the symptoms in guys are milder. Sadly, Mycoplasma has a deteriorating effect on our health and one out of one hundred people carry the disease, according to the experts.

Mycoplasma is similar to STD, but scientists are still not well-informed about it. However, the same symptoms found in both girls and guys were associated with the progression of disease in people.

The same results were found by a study in the UK, suggesting that younger people are especially at risk. However, middle-aged people are susceptible to it as well.