Not all pranks can give you laughter, honestly, most pranks
can hurt innocent people, especially if meant that way. 4-year-old Kaya
Langmead knows this pretty well after being victimized by two young pranksters.
New Year’s Eve, Nicole Langmead brought her little daughter Kaya to a local
McDonald’s in the UK.

After nature calls, Kaya asked her mom if she could use the
bathroom by herself “like a big girl,” to which Nicole agreed. Before Kaya’s
turn, Nicole saw two teenage girls leaving the comfort room, giggling. However,
Nicole didn’t mind them, thinking it was nothing.

So Kaya
went inside to use the toilet.

But after a few minutes, Kaya ran out of the comfort room,
crying in pain and complained that something had hurt her bum.
Nicole checked her daughter, she was horrified to see Kaya’s skin ripped off at
the back of her legs.

Nicole ran into the toilet and was shocked by what she had
discovered. Apparently, the two teenage girls she met earlier poured superglue
on the disabled/children’s toilet seat, as part of a heinous prank.
“Kaya said something had hurt her bum, but it never crossed
my mind it would be glue. I thought maybe the seat had moved or something but
when we checked it over there was glue everywhere.” Nicole expressed.

Upset, Nicole took to Facebook and post her sentiments: “To
the two young blonde girls that thought it would be hilarious to put super glue
on the disabled and baby changing toilet in McDonalds, I just want you to know
that I’m still having to console my four year old daughter who was unfortunate
enough to use the toilet after your little prank.”
“The backs of her legs and bum are red raw after the glue
had stuck her to the seat and she has been in tears on and off since.
“I hope you’re proud of yourselves. Your families must be so

The police had already tracked down the two teenage girls,
whom later apologized to the victims.
A spokesman of Devon and Cornwall police said, “The two
girls immediately accepted what they had done, were sorry and have apologized
to the victim’s mother for the upset caused to her and her daughter.”
Though the police said that they had taken appropriate
action against the offenders, they refused to say if the two teenagers were
given a caution over the incident.
Source : Wereblog