Belly fat is the most harmful fat in your body, linked to
many diseases. Too much fat around the stomach can lead to development of heart
disease, hypertension, metabolic dysfunctions, asthma, Alzheimer`s disease,
atherosclerosis, lower fertility and problems with male and female reproductive
If you have too much belly fat you should change your
lifestyle immediately. Try to cut off the sugar intake, drink enough water and
get enough sleep. Also, you should change your diet habits and try to consume
food rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

This recipe is a combination of spinach, ginger and lemon.
It is a powerful combination which targets belly fat. It is loaded with vitamin
C which has the ability to speed up the fat-burning process. Also, it
participates in the production of carnitine, a compound which the body uses to
convert fat into energy. Therefore, this drink will help you fight obesity,
reduce weight and melt your belly fat.
Drinking this juice the first thing in the morning will
speed up your metabolism, boost your energy and melt your belly fats. Consume
the drink the first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes
before breakfast.
- · 1 lemon
- · A handful of spinach
- · 1 glass of water
- · A thumb of ginger
Juice all the ingredients and drink the resulting mixture
Via : Just Natural Life