It may be difficult to accept, all things considered, large portions of us had utilized Vick VapoRub. It appears like a safe treatment, successful for fever, nasal blockage, and numerous different affections.
Yet, this case will make individuals address its utilization, particularly mothers and fathers with little kids since it could convey deadly results to them.
A Mexican mother advises her disaster to caution different guardians and keep away from another person experiencing what she’s living: the loss of her 2-years of age infant.

When she returned from work, she came into her child’s room. When she got close to kiss him, she felt he had a fever. She envisioned it was only a typical frosty and pondered a home solution for ease him.
She rubbed Vick VapoRub on his mid-section, back, and under his nose to help him relax. She tucked him up and set down by him.
She was drained, so she nodded off alongside her infant. Hours after the fact, when she woke up, she saw her child wasn’t relaxing.
She carried him and took it to the hospital to save him. But, sadly, everything was pointless, the baby had been dead for hours. The medical report stated the child died due to inflammation in the respiratory track, produced by the camphor contained in the famous ointment. She never imagined that home remedy would take his baby. She only wanted to help him breathe, and the ointment did exactly the opposite.
The thing is, this remedy is effective for adults; however, for babies younger than two years old, the ointment increases the mucus by 60%. The mucus accumulates on the trachea and blocks the breathing. The label warns the ointment is contraindicated for children younger than 3 years old. Sadly, in the case of the Mexican mother, the warning went unnoticed. Using home remedies for several affections is something common in homes around the world, but we hope this story draw attention to this fact: when children are concerned, we must always read the labels and ask for the advice of experts before using any home remedy. We must not let a simple mistake take our loved ones; we must be careful and seek medical advice to treat any illness.