just a little abnormality, but being able to recognize it can save a life.
Tina Treadwell has big plans for her son. She finds him so
sweet that she takes pictures of him and sends them to a baby model agency. She
is so proud that she shows her sister the photos.

But she is anything but amused. She notices that one of
little Taylor’s eyes looks different than the other one. And she knows what
that can mean.

The eye doctor confirms the horrible suspicion. Taylor is
suffering from a retinoblastoma. This is a form of eye cancer that can develop
during childhood. The symptoms are hard to see with the naked eye but are much
more noticeable in pictures. The mother is shocked. All of her dreams for him
as a baby model burst immediately. Now, all that is important is the fight for
the 1-year-old’s life! Luckily, the little tyke gets off easy. The chemotherapy
beats the cancer back, keeping it under control. Taylor will, however, remain
blind in his right eye. But that is a small price for his life. “It’s so hard
to believe that a photo saved his life,” says his mother today.

It wasn’t just the photo, but primarily the his aunt's
knowledge that saved Taylor. This knowledge is not common enough. Here are some
examples of signs that could suggest a retinoblastoma: A milky coloring of a

A dark
coloring of a pupil.

A newly
developed cross-eye

that isn’t due to allergies or irritation (although swelling can have many
other causes)

discoloring of the iris

Do the test with a photo! Photograph your kid in a
relatively dark place from at 12 feet away. The flash should be on while the
red-eye reduction is turned off. If any of the above symptoms can be seen, you
should take your child to an eye doctor. Only a doctor can determine
definitively if there is any danger.

This photo test can be done at any time at home. All you
need is a camera. But too few parents know about this. So share this knowledge;
it could help save a life!
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