Humans are bestowed with a certain part of their brain known
as the pineal gland or also known as our third eye. The reason as to why it is
called pineal is for it’s shape, like a pine cone.
A tiny pine cone that is in charge of producing serotonin
derivative melatonin that has to deal with our hormones that affect the
modulation of sleep/wake patterns, including our seasonal functions.
This tiny pine cone can be found near the center of the brain
in place between the two hemispheres.

The pineal gland is essentially the portal between the
physical and spiritual world for humans. When activated, the sensation of
euphoria and oneness fills the persons mind, giving them a sense of all
knowing. One can achieve this activation through yoga, meditation and variety
of other occult methods.
Once activated, that person is able to freely travel to
other dimensions, or otherwise referred to as astral projection or remote
Through ancient methods and advance practices, one could
even control the thoughts and actions of other people in the physical world.

The reason we are unable to achieve this amazing feat within
our brains is because of the amount of sodium fluoride we digest on a daily
basis. The pineal gland absorbs most of the sodium fluoride that enters our
This essentially dumbs the pineal gland down by no longer
being able to balance our hormonal processes in the body.
In fact, the United States water supply contains 90% of
fluoride and other various components. Not even the water filters you buy at
the super market are able to filter out fluoride.
One way to combat this is reverse osmosis or water
distillation, water distillation being the cheaper option.
Not to claim ourselves as conspiracy theorists, but mainly
our deep concern for the disconnect between our spirituality and reality all
Source :
The Spirit Science