Tuesday, May 5, 2020

3:30 AM

No matter where you may live, your region is more than likely going to be susceptible to several different temperatures that can get below 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the fall season, which in turn means that you can expect insects such as beetles, cockroaches, ants, stink bugs, and wasps are going to start finding their way into your cozy, warm home.  While a survey that was done has revealed the fact that most home owners think that they have more bugs in their house during the hotter summer months, what they often times don’t know is that their house is going to remain susceptible to these unwanted guests well after the temperature has started to cool off.

If you are going to keep all of these pests out of your house for the upcoming fall and winter seasons, there are going to be a few things that you will need to keep in mind in order to successfully stay in front of the ‘fall crawl’.

Seal Your Home Off

As the temperatures begin to drop, finding food, shelter and even water will start to become much more difficult for insects who are living outside.  What this means, is that they are going to be very motivated to invade your home to look for these resources that are becoming harder and harder for them to come by says Pest Aid.  In order to help prevent them from successfully making their way into your home, you need to:

  • Make sure that all of the windows and doors have been weatherproofed and all of the cracks around any of the ledges your home has have been sealed off.
  • Check the perimeter of your home for any kind of leaks and seal them off, as well as seal off any and all cracks or gaps that there may be.
  • Caulk all of the cracks that run along kitchen and bathroom fixtures.  Even the smallest of these is enough space for some type of insect to sneak in.

Fortify Your Pest Defenses

While there is realistically going to be no way to ensure that you have successfully sealed off every single crack in your home, there is a backup plan that you can use.

  • Try to use indoor/outdoor pesticide products that are longer lasting.  You can use these products by spraying the perimeter of your home and the larger entrances such as doors and windows.  With these products, you are going to want to be sure and apply them to both the inside and outside.
  • When it comes to the more sensitive areas of your home such as backsplashes, bathrooms, and kitchen sinks, you are going to want to make sure that the products you are using has been labeled for those specific areas, as well as comes equipped with a precise-tip applicator which will enable you to properly apply the product into all of the cracks, crevices, and other tight spots.
  • Always be sure to keep food stored in insect-resistant food containers or the refrigerator