Bitter melon is a fruit that grows abundantly in Asia,
Africa and the Caribbean. Traditionally it has been used to treat diabetes and
other more mild diseases or illnesses.
More recently, bitter melon juice was shown to kill
pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in mice in a study done by the University
of Colorado. Considering the results were seen in both in vitro and in vivo
tests, the effectiveness of bitter melon juice in treating pancreatic cancer,
and potentially other cancers, at a clinical level are promising.[1]
“IHC analyses of MiaPaCa-2 xenografts showed that BMJ(Bitter
Melon Juice) also inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and activates AMPK
(adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) in vivo. Overall, BMJ exerts
strong anticancer efficacy against human pancreatic carcinoma cells, both in
vitro and in vivo, suggesting its clinical usefulness.”

Interestingly, cannabis, specifically cannabinoids, have
been shown to induce apoptic (programmed) death of human pancreatic cancer
cells in vitro and stop pancreatic tumor growth in vivo.[4] Cannabis is perhaps
one of the most popular treatments being aggressively pursued right now given
its promising results both in labs and anecdotally.
Scientific Evidence
Pancreatic Cancer
Many cancerous tumors have insulin receptors which move
glucose to cancer cells helping them to grow and divide. Studies have shown
that insulin encourages pancreatic cancer cells to grow in a dose dependant
manner, since bitter melon has been shown to help regulate insulin levels, this
could help prevent pancreatic cancer over the long-term.
The Colorado University study was led by Dr. Rajesh Agarwal.
They examined effects of bitter melon on 4 different lines of pancreatic cancer
cells (in vitro) and in mice. For the in vivo studies, mice were injected with
pancreatic tumor cells and were randomly divided into one of two groups. One
group of mice received water, which was the control group, and the other group
was given bitter melon juice for six weeks.
Researchers studied the tumors at the end of the study and
results showed that bitter melon juice not only inhibited cancer cell
proliferation but also induced apoptosis (programmed cell death). Compared to
the control, tumor growth was inhibited by 60% in the treatment group and there
were no signs of toxicity or negative effects on the body. With toxicity and
negative effects being a huge role in traditional mainstream treatments, this
was positive to see.
A number of clinical studies have been conducted to evaluate
the efficacy of bitter melon for treating diabetes. Since it is believed that
diabetes is a precursor for pancreatic cancer, researchers felt bitter melon
could treat diabetes as well after seeing pancreatic cancer results.
In 2011, results of a four week long clinical trial were
published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology that showed modest hypoglycemic
effects and significant fructosamine management for those taking 2000mg/day of
bitter melon.
As published by the study: “Bitter melon had a modest
hypoglycemic effect and significantly reduced fructosamine levels from baseline
among patients with type 2 diabetes who received 2,000 mg/day. However, the
hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon was less than metformin 1,000 mg/day.”[3]
Another study published in 2008 in the international journal
Chemistry and Biology indicated that compounds in bitter melon improved
glycemic control, helped cells uptake glucose and improved overall glucose
tolerance. This study was done in mice and led to promising advancements in
treating diabetes and obesity with bitter melon.[4]
In contrast, a study published in the Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology in 2007 did not show significant benefit of the treatment of
diabetes by bitter melon but 2 years later in the British Journal of Nutrition
it was stated that “more, better-designed and clinical trials are required to
confirm the fruit’s role in diabetes treatment.”
Since that 2007 study, more studies have been done to show
beneficial effects which perhaps was a result of better design.
When it comes to bitter melon juice, the current research
available is showing strong results for specific types of cancer cell
destruction, diabetes treatment and potential prevention of pancreatic cancer.
Further research and clinical trials would be helpful to better understand how
effective this plant can be and in what specific cases. It remains a very
promising option that could be explored under the correct supervision.
Other Uses of Bitter Melon
Bitter melon has been used as a traditional medicine for a
long time. It has been used to treat: colic, fever, burns, chronic cough,
painful menstruation and skin conditions.[5]