Noble Eightfold Path
The Noble Eightfold Path that leads to the Cessation of
Suffering is the way pointed out by the Buddha for achieving Self-purification,
freedom from Passion (Kilesa) and Delusion (Moha), namely, Right Understanding,
Right Intention, Right Attentiveness and Right Concentration. It is the
absolute truth and the only way to Supreme Wisdom and to Salvation from all
The Eightfold Path is
also called “The Middle Path of Enlightenment” because the
Buddha taught how to exercise and develop the mind along the Eightfold Path in
gradual stages. As one goes along on the Path, little by little one will make
progress in the practice of self-control and gradually attain to greater
knowledge and insight in the Buddha-Dhamma.

01. What is Right Understanding?
It is to know what is good and what is Evil; to know the Four
Noble Truths and the Law of Dependent Origination.
02. What is Right Intention?
It is to make a firm re- solution to practice Self-control and
Self-restraint to become free of Sensuality, free of Ill will and free of
03. What is Right Speech?
Having gained the right understanding of the Dhamma and having
made the Right Resolution, Right Speech becomes the natural consequence of the
first two Paths. Having attained Right-mindedness we cannot but express our pure
mind in any other way than by Right Speech which is to abstain from lying,
slandering, using harsh language and vain talk.
04. What is Right Action?
It is to abstain from killing any sentient being, from stealing
and from unlawful sexual inter- course. Right Action is the logical consequence
of Right- Mindedness and of Right Speech. To be truthful to one’s firm
resolution and to one’s given word we must act rightly.
05. What is Right Living?
It is to renounce wrong ways of living. Therefore the following
trades are forbidden : the selling of arms, live animals, meat, intoxicating
drinks and poison.
06. What is Right Effort?
It is to keep on doing things right, namely, to do good and to
maintain it; to destroy evil and to avoid evil. We should not only do good for
ourselves but also for others. Out of Loving-kindness and Compassion we should
serve others and do good to them.
07. What is Right Attentiveness?
This consists of deep meditation and contemplation of our own
selves, namely, of our body organs and of “The Five Aggregates of Attachment”
as being impermanent, miserable and non-Self-contained. We then meditate upon the
Teachings of the Buddha. By continued meditation upon these objects we
gradually exercise the mind to such a degree of concentration that we slowly
gain Insight into the true facts of life and become more and more convinced of
the Absolute Truth, namely:
(1) That Ignorance is the cause of all life, because it causes
the three fold craving to arise (Sensual Desire, Desire for Existence, and
Desire not to be what one dislikes).
(2) That Desire is the cause of our Attachment to the “Five
Aggregates of Attachment” (Bodily-Form, Feeling, Perception, Sense-Impressions,
and Consciousness), which we falsely believe to be the very essence of our
Individuality. Desire is also the cause of Rebirth because our Desire for
Existence is so great that at the moment of death our Karma grasps a new being
and thus perpetuates the Circle of Rebirth.
(3) That we are but the result of our previous and present Karma
and have made ourselves what we are now, and which will determine our future
existence and the state into which we shall be reborn.
(4) That all things in this world are things composed (Sankhara)
and are impermanent, miserable and not self-contained.
(5) That the only way to escape from this world of suffering and
impermanence and from the “Circle of Rebirth ” is to purify the heart of all
passions (Kilesa) and from all Attachment to the“ Five Aggregates of
Attachment”; to avoid evil, to do good. Having destroyed all Kilesa and Karma itself—
we attain Nirvana.
08. What is Right Concentration?
It is a state of mind where all Seven Paths are present, which
means that we have progressed along the Middle Path of Enlightenment and have
developed the mind to such an extent that, having attained to full
concentration of mind, we now become cognizant of the true facts of life and
therefore begin to turn away from Wrong Speech—Wrong Action—and Wrong Ways of
Thus the Middle Path of Enlightenment of the Buddha reveals
itself as a gradual perfection of the mind to the highest Wisdom and Insight of
the true facts of life.
In the first Path, we gain knowledge and understanding of the
In the second Path, we make the Right Resolution to free the
mind of sensuality, ill will and cruelty. Having attained to Right-Mindedness
and continuing to purify the mind we continue along the Path by attaining to
Right Speech, Right Action and Right Living. In the Sixth Path we make the
Right Effort to maintain the good already achieved and to avoid all further
evil doing. In the Seventh and Eighth Path we reach such a degree of
Concentration of mind that we are then capable of realizing the Absolute Truth
and begin to reject Wrong Speech, Wrong Action, and Wrong Living.
While in other religions which are based upon faith and human
ideals, “life is all or love is all”, in Buddhism “mind is all” . It is the
well trained mind, the mind developed to its highest capacity, to intuitive
insight and wisdom which can realize its own Salvation from all Suffering and
from Rebirth by following the Noble Eightfold Path of Enlightenment discovered
and experienced by the Buddha.